Monday 26 March 2012

Introduction (cont.)

(back to the tangent)

I started this this with saying "A few words to say how and why I got into writing, and why with Scott Nash" and we should probably get back to that.

Why writing, it's simple really... Behind every great piece of entertainment (theatre production, movie, TV, song, musical, etc) there was an idea and this was written down, in one form or another, read by another and then made into something that we as an audience got taken in by, thoroughly enjoying the experience.

My experiences in the first part of this "Introduction" however incomplete the memories are made this quite clear to me, and I'm sure many can agree that this is true. Someone had to write down the idea to begin - even in dance (maybe to a lesser degree) there is a choreographer, and he or she, is the writer of the dance.

So why script writing, well I love a good film and TV show, and those that wrote that script I find creatively fascinating!! I have no desire for the lime light, only a desire to create something that just might entertain you for a moment or two in your life. And of course there is the matter of choice, script writing appeals to me.


And why with Scott Nash... Since that odd day many years ago when we met at work, had a drink and a chat finding that there was a mutual respect for a well made moving picture, on both the small and big screen, we have been exchanging ideas, comparing our thoughts on things viewed and despite life's barriers always re-visited the idea of writing a script. And the time for "let's do this bro" or "dude, that could have been done better" has now come to an end.

He has ideas different to my own, we don't agree on all the same films or TV shows - some that I thoroughly enjoy he loathes and likewise, we have wildly different upbringings so bring interesting (and sometimes scary) points of view to an idea and yet in the end what is left works.

And so we begin, and I hope the adventure is as fulfilling as I expect it to be!!

Coming to a screen near you....

(Oh and my blog as is evident in the title is a companion to...  Check out his blogs on The Writers Guild)

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